PostgreSQL 优化器中 Window 解析处理
PostgreSQL 优化器中 Window 解析处理
CREATE TABLE empsalary(
depname varchar,
empno bigint,
salary int,
enroll_date date
select rank() OVER (PARTITION BY depname ORDER BY salary), * from empsalary;
PG 需要如下的参数来创建 Window 语句的计划路径:
create_window_paths(root, current_rel, grouping_target, final_target, tlist, wflists, activeWindows);
PG 首先做的事是生成两个 PathTarget 结构:
* Convert the query's result tlist into PathTarget format.
final_target = create_pathtarget(root, tlist);
p *(PathTarget *)final_target
$17 = {type = T_PathTarget, exprs = 0x2ca7408, sortgrouprefs = 0x2ca7540, cost = {startup = 0, per_tuple = 0}, width = 48}
final_target 中的 exprs 为一个 List 链表,包含 4 个 Var 元素:
{xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 1, varattno = 1, vartype = 1043, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 100, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 1, varoattno = 1, location = 59}
{xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 1, varattno = 3, vartype = 23, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 0, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 1, varoattno = 3, location = 59}
{xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 1, varattno = 2, vartype = 20, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 0, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 1, varoattno = 2, location = 59}
{xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 1, varattno = 4, vartype = 1082, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 0, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 1, varoattno = 4, location = 59}
它们其实就是 empsalary 表的 4 个属性,即 SQL 查询语句中的 ‘*‘。
而 final_target 中的 sortgrouprefs 是一个 Index 类型的数组:
(gdb) p *((Index *)0x2ca7540)@4
$44 = {2, 1, 0, 0}
然后生成另一个 PathTarget:
if (activeWindows)
grouping_target = make_window_input_target(root,
p *(PathTarget *)grouping_target
$29 = {type = T_PathTarget, exprs = 0x2ca7280, sortgrouprefs = 0x2ca7230, cost = {startup = 0, per_tuple = 0}, width = 56}
grouping_target 中的 exprs 为一个 List 链表,包含 5 个元素:
{xpr = {type = T_WindowFunc}, winfnoid = 3101, wintype = 20, wincollid = 0, inputcollid = 0, args = 0x0, aggfilter = 0x0, winref = 1, winstar = 0 ‘\000’, winagg = 0 ‘\000’, location = 7}
{xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 1, varattno = 1, vartype = 1043, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 100, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 1, varoattno = 1, location = 59}
{xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 1, varattno = 3, vartype = 23, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 0, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 1, varoattno = 3, location = 59}
{xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 1, varattno = 2, vartype = 20, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 0, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 1, varoattno = 2, location = 59}
{xpr = {type = T_Var}, varno = 1, varattno = 4, vartype = 1082, vartypmod = -1, varcollid = 0, varlevelsup = 0, varnoold = 1, varoattno = 4, location = 59}
可以看到其实就是在其中增加了 WindowFunc 项,它也就是 SQL 查询语句中的 rank()。
而 grouping_target 中的 sortgrouprefs 是一个 Index 类型的数组:
p *((Index *)0x2ca7230)@5
$60 = {0, 2, 0, 1, 0}
这样 PG 就得到了两个 Target 信息。
生成 wflist - targetlist 中窗口函数的信息:
* Locate any window functions in the tlist. (We don't need to look
* anywhere else, since expressions used in ORDER BY will be in there
* too.) Note that they could all have been eliminated by constant
* folding, in which case we don't need to do any more work.
if (parse->hasWindowFuncs)
wflists = find_window_functions((Node *) tlist,
if (wflists->numWindowFuncs > 0)
activeWindows = select_active_windows(root, wflists);
parse->hasWindowFuncs = false;
生成 wflist 的方式是从 tlist (tlist 即经过一些预操作的 targetlist) 中筛选出的窗口函数部分的信息:
p *(WindowFuncLists *)wflists $48 = {numWindowFuncs = 1, maxWinRef = 1, windowFuncs = 0x2ca61a8}
生成 activeWindows:
if (parse->hasWindowFuncs)
wflists = find_window_functions((Node *) tlist,
if (wflists->numWindowFuncs > 0)
activeWindows = select_active_windows(root, wflists);
parse->hasWindowFuncs = false;
将 QueryTree 中 active 的 WindowClause 放到一个链表中。
activeWindows:List: {type = T_WindowClause, name = 0x0, refname = 0x0, partitionClause = 0x2ca5900, orderClause = 0x2ca57e0, frameOptions = 530, startOffset = 0x0, endOffset = 0x0, winref = 1, copiedOrder = 0 ‘\000’}
partitionClause:List: {type = T_SortGroupClause, tleSortGroupRef = 2, eqop = 98, sortop = 664, nulls_first = 0 ‘\000’, hashable = 1 ‘\001’}
orderClause:List: {type = T_SortGroupClause, tleSortGroupRef = 1, eqop = 96, sortop = 97, nulls_first = 0 ‘\000’, hashable = 1 ‘\001’}
可以看到 partitionClause 和 orderClause 中的 tleSortGroupRef 其实就是对应的 PathTarget 中的 sortgrouprefs;
在 partitionClause 中 tleSortGroupRef = 2,在 final_target 中的 sortgrouprefs 数组里,第 0 项的值也是 2,而 第 0 项对应的是 final_target 中 expr list 中的第 0 个,该 Var 结构对应的则是 attribute number = 1 的 empsalary 表中的 depname。
orderClause 也是同样的道理。
开始生成 Window 的计划路径 Path:
PG 调用如下函数,
* If we have window functions, consider ways to implement those. We
* build a new upperrel representing the output of this phase.
if (activeWindows)
current_rel = create_window_paths(root,
其中 root 为 PlannerInfo,current_rel 为之前通过 query_planner() 生成的基本或关联表的 RelOptInfo。
在 create_window_paths() 中:
/* For now, do all work in the (WINDOW, NULL) upperrel */
window_rel = fetch_upper_rel(root, UPPERREL_WINDOW, NULL);
申请一个 window 类型的 upper rel。
为每一个现存的 path 增加 window path 以及 sort path
* Consider computing window functions starting from the existing
* cheapest-total path (which will likely require a sort) as well as any
* existing paths that satisfy root->window_pathkeys (which won't).
foreach(lc, input_rel->pathlist)
Path *path = (Path *) lfirst(lc);
if (path == input_rel->cheapest_total_path ||
pathkeys_contained_in(root->window_pathkeys, path->pathkeys))
最后生成的 pathlist 是这样的,WindowAggPath->SortPath->Path 如下:
{path = {type = T_WindowAggPath, pathtype = T_WindowAgg, parent = 0x2cb2ff0, pathtarget = 0x2ca71e0, param_info = 0x0, parallel_aware = 0 '\000', parallel_safe = 0 '\000', parallel_workers = 0, rows = 1070, startup_cost = 74.539163684893566, total_cost = 95.939163684893558, pathkeys = 0x2cb32b0}, subpath = 0x2cb3368, winclause = 0x2ca5930, winpathkeys = 0x2cb32b0}
{path = {type = T_SortPath, pathtype = T_Sort, parent = 0x2cb2ff0, pathtarget = 0x2ca7348, param_info = 0x0, parallel_aware = 0 '\000', parallel_safe = 0 '\000', parallel_workers = 0, rows = 1070, startup_cost = 74.539163684893566, total_cost = 77.214163684893563, pathkeys = 0x2cb32b0}, subpath = 0x2ca70d0}
{type = T_Path, pathtype = T_SeqScan, parent = 0x2ca62a8, pathtarget = 0x2ca7348, param_info = 0x0, parallel_aware = 0 '\000', parallel_safe = 0 '\000', parallel_workers = 0, rows = 1070, startup_cost = 0, total_cost = 20.700000000000003, pathkeys = 0x0}