PostgreSQL FDW 源码分析之 GetForeignRelSize()
GetForeignRelSize() 的源码在 postgres_fdw.c 文件中。
进入 GetForeignRelSize() 一开头,将 FDW 相关的 planner 信息存放在 PgFdwRelationInfo *fpinfo 中。
PgFdwRelationInfo *fpinfo;
fpinfo = (PgFdwRelationInfo *) palloc0(sizeof(PgFdwRelationInfo));
baserel->fdw_private = (void *) fpinfo;
* FDW-specific planner information kept in RelOptInfo.fdw_private for a
* foreign table. This information is collected by postgresGetForeignRelSize.
typedef struct PgFdwRelationInfo
/* baserestrictinfo clauses, broken down into safe and unsafe subsets. */
List *remote_conds;
List *local_conds;
/* Bitmap of attr numbers we need to fetch from the remote server. */
Bitmapset *attrs_used;
/* Cost and selectivity of local_conds. */
QualCost local_conds_cost;
Selectivity local_conds_sel;
/* Estimated size and cost for a scan with baserestrictinfo quals. */
double rows;
int width;
Cost startup_cost;
Cost total_cost;
/* Options extracted from catalogs. */
bool use_remote_estimate;
Cost fdw_startup_cost;
Cost fdw_tuple_cost;
/* Cached catalog information. */
ForeignTable *table;
ForeignServer *server;
UserMapping *user; /* only set in use_remote_estimate mode */
} PgFdwRelationInfo;
/* Look up foreign-table catalog info. */
fpinfo->table = GetForeignTable(foreigntableid);
fpinfo->server = GetForeignServer(fpinfo->table->serverid);
fpinfo->use_remote_estimate = false;
fpinfo->fdw_startup_cost = DEFAULT_FDW_STARTUP_COST;
fpinfo->fdw_tuple_cost = DEFAULT_FDW_TUPLE_COST;
若保持默认 use_remote_estimate = false,在下面的 classifyConditions() 中,对输入的 SQL 语句中的 where 限制条件进行逐项归类,将之分为 remote_conds 和 local_conds,前者可以发送到 remote 端处理,后者不能。
classifyConditions(PlannerInfo *root,
RelOptInfo *baserel,
List *input_conds,
List **remote_conds,
List **local_conds)
ListCell *lc;
*remote_conds = NIL;
*local_conds = NIL;
foreach(lc, input_conds)
RestrictInfo *ri = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(lc);
if (is_foreign_expr(root, baserel, ri->clause))
*remote_conds = lappend(*remote_conds, ri);
*local_conds = lappend(*local_conds, ri);
\1. 在 foreign_expr_walker() 中对限制条件进行判断,只有 built-in 类型的才能发送到 remote 端,因为非 built-in 的类型在 remote 端不能保证支持。但如果需要,应该可以修改源码加入对自定义类型的支持。
\2. 在 contain_mutable_functions() 中判断是否是 mutable function,只有非 mutable function 才能发送到 remote 端。(如注释所述,For example, sending now() to remote side could cause confusion from clock offsets.)
总结:只有内置类型或非 mutable 函数类型的限制条件才会发送到 remote 端进行处理。
is_foreign_expr(PlannerInfo *root,
RelOptInfo *baserel,
Expr *expr)
foreign_glob_cxt glob_cxt;
foreign_loc_cxt loc_cxt;
* Check that the expression consists of nodes that are safe to execute
* remotely.
glob_cxt.root = root;
glob_cxt.foreignrel = baserel;
loc_cxt.collation = InvalidOid;
loc_cxt.state = FDW_COLLATE_NONE;
if (!foreign_expr_walker((Node *) expr, &glob_cxt, &loc_cxt))
return false;
/* Expressions examined here should be boolean, ie noncollatable */
Assert(loc_cxt.collation == InvalidOid);
Assert(loc_cxt.state == FDW_COLLATE_NONE);
* An expression which includes any mutable functions can't be sent over
* because its result is not stable. For example, sending now() remote
* side could cause confusion from clock offsets. Future versions might
* be able to make this choice with more granularity. (We check this last
* because it requires a lot of expensive catalog lookups.)
if (contain_mutable_functions((Node *) expr))
return false;
/* OK to evaluate on the remote server */
return true;
然后对需要从 remote 端取回的表属性进行标记,需要取回的表属性包括 targetList ( 即select attr from table; 中的 attr) 中的属性和限制条件中本地处理的属性:
attrs_used 在之后构造发送到 remote 端的 SQL 语句时,起主要作用。
* Identify which attributes will need to be retrieved from the remote
* server. These include all attrs needed for joins or final output, plus
* all attrs used in the local_conds. (Note: if we end up using a
* parameterized scan, it's possible that some of the join clauses will be
* sent to the remote and thus we wouldn't really need to retrieve the
* columns used in them. Doesn't seem worth detecting that case though.)
fpinfo->attrs_used = NULL;
pull_varattnos((Node *) baserel->reltargetlist, baserel->relid,
foreach(lc, fpinfo->local_conds)
RestrictInfo *rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(lc);
pull_varattnos((Node *) rinfo->clause, baserel->relid,
* Compute the selectivity and cost of the local_conds, so we don't have
* to do it over again for each path. The best we can do for these
* conditions is to estimate selectivity on the basis of local statistics.
fpinfo->local_conds_sel = clauselist_selectivity(root,fpinfo->local_conds,baserel->relid,JOIN_INNER,NULL);
cost_qual_eval(&fpinfo->local_conds_cost, fpinfo->local_conds, root);
然后,基于本地数据预估表大小,对于外部表,则假定表占用的空间为 10 页,来计算:
* If the foreign table has never been ANALYZEd, it will have relpages
* and reltuples equal to zero, which most likely has nothing to do
* with reality. We can't do a whole lot about that if we're not
* allowed to consult the remote server, but we can use a hack similar
* to plancat.c's treatment of empty relations: use a minimum size
* estimate of 10 pages, and divide by the column-datatype-based width
* estimate to get the corresponding number of tuples.
if (baserel->pages == 0 && baserel->tuples == 0)
baserel->pages = 10;
baserel->tuples =
(10 * BLCKSZ) / (baserel->width + MAXALIGN(SizeofHeapTupleHeader));
/* Estimate baserel size as best we can with local statistics. */
set_baserel_size_estimates(root, baserel);
若 use_remote_estimate = true,那么会构造一个 EXPLAIN 的 SQL 语句,构造方式如下,其中包含之前筛选出的适合发送到 remote 端处理的 remote_conds,发送到 remote 端处理估算,然后发回。
* Construct EXPLAIN query including the desired SELECT, FROM, and
* WHERE clauses. Params and other-relation Vars are replaced by
* dummy values.
appendStringInfoString(&sql, "EXPLAIN ");
deparseSelectSql(&sql, root, baserel, fpinfo->attrs_used,
if (fpinfo->remote_conds)
appendWhereClause(&sql, root, baserel, fpinfo->remote_conds,
true, NULL);
if (remote_join_conds)
appendWhereClause(&sql, root, baserel, remote_join_conds,
(fpinfo->remote_conds == NIL), NULL);